Caribou Conservation Efforts: Preserving the Future of a Species.

Caribou Conservation Efforts: Preserving the Future of a Species Caribou, also known as reindeer in some parts of the world, are an iconic species of the North. These majestic animals are an important part of the Arctic and sub-Arctic ecosystems they inhabit, and have played a significant role in the cultures and traditions of Indigenous peoples for centuries. However, the survival of caribou populations is under threat due to a number of factors, including habitat loss, climate change, and human activities such as hunting and resource extraction. In response, conservationists around the world are working to protect and preserve caribou populations and their habitats. One of the main goals of caribou conservation efforts is to protect the species from extinction. In many regions, caribou populations have declined significantly over the past few decades, and some herds are now considered to be endangered or threatened. To address this, conservationists are working to identify the root c...